The best way to monitor your clan & player statistics.

Want to have more information about your Clash Royale Clan, your clan members or even your competitors?. Get started now!
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Clan Details

Current War Statistics

Monitor clan's performance for current war. You can check the number of Participants, Battles, Wins for the current war.

Last Wars

Review WarLog data for the clan. You can check the number of Participants, Battles, Wins for the latest wars (max 10).

Player Statistics in Wars

List all the players that have participated in the last clan wars. Have a quick view of cards onations, cards won, number of wars played and more for each of the members.

Top Players of clan

Sorted list of the top 12 players in the clan.

Member Statistics

You can check the full list of players for the clan, grouped by role and in one sight you could know if the member is active, number of wars played, arena, experience level, trophies, donations...

Player Decks

You could see the current deck of the player (even copying it in your deck from official app), check all the cards that this payer has in order to offer a change that people may accept, and you'll be able to see what are the upcoming chests for this player.

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